Thursday, December 26, 2019

Hoot Essay examples - 528 Words

Hoot Hoot by Carl Hiassen is a story about a boy named Roy who is tired of being the new kid. Life in Florida finally started to become exciting when the bully smashed his face against the bus window and he sees a mysterious running boy. This is how an unlikely group of friends came to be. Hoot is about a new kid in town who finds friendship by being a good friend to a runaway boy. Mother Paula’s Pancake House is being sabotaged by a young boy. They don’t know who’s doing it and they think it’s just a prank. It’s not just a prank. The person behind it all is Mullet Fingers, a runaway kid who cares a lot about some endangered owls who live on Mother Paula’s building site. He even goes so far as to spray paint a police car’s windows†¦show more content†¦Roy is a good friend to Mullet Fingers before he even meets him. This is one example of how Roy was a good friend to Mullet Fingers. Roy first saw the boy, Mullet Fingers, run ning on the sidewalk beside the school bus. Roy thought he was running to get to the bus on time. However, he wasn’t wearing shoes or a backpack. Later on, Roy follows him and decides to give him a pair of his shoes. Here is another good example of Roy’s friendship with Mullet Fingers. Later on in the story, Roy gets to know a little bit more about Mullet Fingers. Beatrice Leep tells Roy that Mullet Fingers’ mom and her dad met at a golf tournament and decided to get married. His mom thought he was a bother to her new husband so she sent him to a military school. Within the first two weeks of school, Mullet Fingers ran away and went back home. His mother tried to send him to several other boarding schools and he ran away from them, too. Finally, he ran away and didn’t come home. His mother noticed that he ran away but didn’t want to do anything about it. Her husband didn’t even notice the tuition bills stopped coming! Beatrice and Mullet Fingers made Roy swear to keep all of this a secret. This is another example of Roy being kind to Mullet Fingers. Sadly, Mullet Fingers became ill and had to go to the hospital. He was bitten by a vicious Rottweiler while he was putting venomous snakes on Mother Paula’s property. To protect Mullet Fingers’Show MoreRelatedComparing Hoot Film and Novel1661 Words   |  7 PagesHoot Among many books that were written and later made into films, the relation between the two can be vastly different, or practically identical. Though there are many similarities between the novel Hoot written by Carl Hiaasen, and the film directed by Wil Shriner, there are some differences as well. As a young man, Roy Eberhardt was a strange individual. Hoot, both the film and the novel, are based on a boy’s new life in Coconut Cove, Florida. As most would expect, starting a new life in a placeRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Hoot 1968 Words   |  8 PagesIntroduction The movie Hoot was created in 2006 based off the book that was originally written four years prior. The main conflict of the movie was a disagreement between business expansion and environmental protection. The story is set in the small town of Coconut Cove, Florida, where almost the entire town is excited for a new pancake house named Mother Paula’s. But what the public does not know is that there is an endangered species of owls living in burrows right where the pancake house is meantRead MoreWilfred Owen Glorification Of War Essay1375 Words   |  6 Pagesrecruits. Accordingly, this would eventually form a smaller inexperienced army unable to defend against ruthless foes. Owen continues with the lines, â€Å"But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind; / Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots / Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind† (6-8). The word â€Å"shod† (6) means â€Å"wearing footgear.† During WWI, the soles of combat boots were reinforced with hobnails to increase their traction on the boggy wet ground. 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Thas’ right Lenny, you ain’t useless, George needs you. He says he’s not mad, he wants you to know that he ain’t ever been mad ‘bout you. He ain’t lettin’ you leave him because we gonna get a little place. He says we’ll haveRead MoreOnomatopoeia Essay example696 Words   |  3 Pagesdisappear. Other groups of sounds are also used to build up an onomatopoeic effect. The soft sound of explosion heard from a distance, for example, is evoked by the onomatopoeic word hoots and is echoed by sibilants in these lines form Dulce et Decorum Est (Owens): deaf even to the hoots Of gas shells dropping softly behind. In her poem Morning Song, Sylvia Plath makes effective use of the voiceless fricative, /Ø/, to suggest the almost imperceptible breathingRead MoreRhyme Scheme Of Wilfred Owen899 Words   |  4 Pagesevident contradiction brought up throughout the poem. Despite the hope of dreams, the reality of the situation overpowers any hope. The soldiers cant focus on anything but trying to survive the next minute. Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots. The hoots represent the small victories during the war when one side might win a small battle. However, these soldiers are so drunk with fatigue, they dont even care. The usage of drunk also a way to show how unclear everything is in war. Most peopleRead MoreAn Exercise Of An Online Networking Apparatus2030 Words   |  9 Pagesadvertising professionals juggling Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and even Google+, applications like Hoot-suite and Buffer have ended up lifelines in online networking administration, open engagement and also following and estimation. Both applications give us the same targets, yet convey novel qualities. Both Buffer and Hoot-suite give the capacity to post from different online networking accounts at once. Hoot-suite offers clients to post on the accompanying records: †¢ Twitter †¢ Facebook profiles andRead MoreLiterary Analysis : Of Mice And Men1009 Words   |  5 Pagesan’ about us.† George uttered, â€Å"Guys like us got no family. They make a little stake an’ they blow it in. They ain’t got nobody in the worl’ that gives a hoot in hell about ‘em---† â€Å"But not us,† Lennie cried happily. George then says quietly, â€Å"But not us† â€Å"Because I got you an’---† â€Å"An’ I got you. We got each other, that’s what, that gives a hoot in hell about us†(104).Lennie cried in triumph. This scene is right before George decides to kill Lennie. Analysis: George did this to help Lennie, becauseRead MoreForecasting Model Of Forecasting Models1709 Words   |  7 Pagesuseful and readily available tool for predicting ED demand. 1.3.5 Forecasting Attendees in Real Time Along with forecasting for future attendees, ARIMA has also been used in studies to determine a real time ED forecasting to predict future attendees. Hoot et al (2009) set out in their study to apply and validate previously implemented ‘ForecastED’ tool which was connected to information systems to calculate a forecast every 10 minutes. The main objective of their study was to develop a new strategy

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cultural Training For An International Business Alliance

Running head: CULTURAL TRAINING 1 CULTURAL TRAINING 2 Cultural Training for an International Business Alliance United Arab of Emirates PEPPERDINE UNIVERSITY THE GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT DR. MARGARET E. PHILLIPS OTMT 671.24 CROSS-CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Cultural Training for an International Business Alliance There is a significant divergence between the American and UAE cultures. The distinctions between these two cultures are such that life would be significantly different if individuals from one culture were born in the other. Aside from this, there are some significant differences in the business dynamics of both nations. UAE is characterized by a much lower unemployment potential in comparison to the west. Also, the business economic potential is higher given that, companies in the UAE operate in a money-rich environment in comparison to those in the U.S. Given that the government caters for a significant percentage of the healthcare costs; the business profit margins are also quite high. The factors above serve to avail an understanding of the degree of divergence between the business cultures in the two nations. The Alliance team needs to understand that the business approach to be employed will be dictated, to a large extent , by the UAE culture. Therefore, it becomes critical to ensure that a deep comprehension of the culture and its divergence from the American culture is developed. Local context UAE is the one hundred andShow MoreRelated Management Problems Facing Multinational Corporations Essay1391 Words   |  6 PagesNowadays, business is set in a global environment. Companies not only regard their locations or primary market bases, but also consider the rest of the world. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Gmat - Awa free essay sample

Conclusion Acknowledge the other position but re-affirm yours and conclude that it is the stronger. 2. Structural Word (should be all over the essays) Supporting examples for example, to illustrate, for instance, because, specifically Additional support furthermore, in addition, similarly, just as, also, as a result, moreover Importance surely, truly, undoubtedly, clearly, in fact, most importantly Contrast on the contrary, yet, despite, rather, instead, however, although, while Decide against one cannot deny that, it could be argued that, granted, admittedly Ying-yang on the one hand/on the other hand Concluding therefore, in summary, consequently, hence, in conclusion, ultimately, in closing 3. Templates 3. 1 Argument Intro: The argument claims that . (restate) Stated in this way the argument: a) manipulates facts and conveys a distorted view of the situation b) reveals examples of leap of faith, poor reasoning and ill-defined terminology c) fails to mention several key factors, on the basis of which it could be evaluated The conclusion of the argument relies on assumptions for which there is no clear evidence. Hence, the argument is weak/unconvincing and has several flaws. 1st Para: First, the argument readily assumes that This statement is a stretch. For example, Clearly, The argument could have been much clearer if it explicitly stated that 2nd Para: Second, the argument claims that. This is again a very weak and unsupported claim as the argument does not demonstrate any correlation between. and To illustrate, While, However,. indeed. In fact, it is not at all clear rather. If the argument had provided evidence that.. then the argument would have been a lot more convincing. 3rd Para: Finally, (pose some questions for the argument).. Without convincing answers to these questions, one is left with the impression that the claim is more of a wishful thinking rather than substantive evidence. Conclusion: In conclusion, the argument is flawed for the above-mentioned reasons and is therefore unconvincing. It could be considerably strengthened if the author clearly mentioned all the relevant facts. In order to assess the merits of a certain situation/decision, it is essential to have full knowledge of all contributing factors. In this particular case. Without this information, the argument remains unsubstantiated and open to debate. . 2 Issue Intro: Many/some people think that. Others.. (restate) The issue is a controversial one but a closer examination reveals that. (take a position) for several reasons. 1st Para: One reason is that/for For example, Furthermore, Clearly, 2nd Para: Another reason is that/for To illustrate, As a result, 3rd Para: Perhaps the best reason is (that). Specifically, Moreover/In addition. In f act,. Therefore,. Conclusion: In summary, while there are arguments to be made for both sides, it is clear that there are greater advantages to. repeat the reasons). Certainly,.. outweigh. Hence,. (re-affirm your position) 4. Going from the templates to full-fledged essays 4. 1 Argument ESSAY QUESTION: The following appeared in the editorial section of a national news magazine: The rating system for electronic games is similar to the movie rating system in that it provides consumers with a quick reference so that they can determine if the subject matter and contents are appropriate. This electronic game rating system is not working because it is self regulated and the fines for violating the rating system are nominal. As a result an independent body should oversee the game industry and companies that knowingly violate the rating system should be prohibited from releasing a game for two years. Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. Point out flaws in the arguments logic and analyze the arguments underlying assumptions. In addition, evaluate how supporting evidence is used and what evidence might counter the arguments conclusion. You may also discuss what additional evidence could be used to strengthen the argument or what changes would make the argument more logically sound. YOUR RESPONSE: Quote: The argument claims that the electronic games rating system, although similar to the movie rating system, is not working because it is self regulated and violation fines are nominal, Hence, the gaming rating system should be overseen by an independent body. Stated in this way the argument fails to mention several key factors, on the basis of which it could be evaluated. The conclusion relies on assumptions, for which there is no clear evidence. Therefore, the argument is rather weak, unconvincing, and has several flaws. First, the argument readily assumes that because the electronic game rating system is self regulated, it is not working well. This statement is a stretch and not substantiated in any way. There are numerous examples in other areas of business or commerce, where the entities are self regulated and rather successful. For instance, FIA, the Formula1 racing organization is self regulated. Yet, the sport is very popular and successful, drawing millions of spectators around the world each year. Tickets are rather expensive, races are shown on pay-per-view, and nearly all drivers are paid very well. Another example is the paralleled movie rating system that the argument mentions. The author fails to clarify whether it is working well, but it is clear that the movie rating system is pretty well received by people, who often base their decisions to go see a movie with kids or not on the movie rating. It has never been a case when someone would feel cheated by the movie rating and express disappointment afterwards. Since the movie rating system is also self regulated, it follows that this regulatory method is working pretty well and it is not obvious how it can be the reason for the poor electronic game rating system. The argument would have been much clearer if it explicitly gave examples of how the self regulatory system led to bad ratings and customer dissatisfaction. Second, the argument claims that any violation fees for bad electronic game ratings are nominal. It thus suggests that this is yet another reason for the rating system not working. This is again a very weak and unsupported claim as the argument does not demonstrate any correlation between the monetary amount of the fines and the quality of the electronic game rating system. In fact, the argument does not even draw a parallel with the mentioned movie rating system and its violation fines. If any such correlation had been shown for the movie rating system, which supposedly works well, then the author would have sounded a bit more convincing. In addition, if the argument provided evidence that low violation fines lead to electronic game manufacturers to ignore any regulations with respect to the game rating system, the argument could have been strengthened even further. Finally, the argument concludes that an independent body should oversee the game industry and companies that violate the rating system, should be punished. From this statement again, it is not at all clear how an independent regulatory body can do a better job than a self regulated one. Without supporting evidence and examples from other businesses where independent regulatory bodies have done a great job, one is left with the impression that the claim is more of a wishful thinking rather than substantive evidence. As a result, this conclusion has no legs to stand on. In summary, the argument is flawed and therefore unconvincing. It could be considerably strengthened if the author clearly mentioned all the relevant facts. In order to assess the merits of a certain situation, it is essential to have full knowledge of all contributing factors. 4. 2 Issue ESSAY QUESTION: â€Å"Poor health and high stress levels diminish the productivity of today’s office workers. In order to maximize profits, companies need to provide white-collar employees with free exercise facilities and free wellness classes. † In your opinion, how accurate is the view expressed above? Use reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading to develop your position. YOUR RESPONSE: Quote: Some people think that productivity at work could be increased if workers are provided with free exercise facilities and wellness classes, as this will improve the workers health and diminish the level of stress in the office. Other people support the claim that people should manage their own health and stress level outside the work space. The issue is a controversial one but a closer examination reveals that companies that promote healthy living among their employees are indeed more productive. One reason is that people often do not find the motivation or the energy to o to a wellness class and exercise outside of work. Most people are usually very tired by the end of the work day and have other family duties or priorities to worry about. For example, doing grocery shopping, cooking, picking up the kids from practice, etc. Therefore, it is very difficult for such people to make time for exercising and maintain healthy habits. As a result, the stress from a long day of work at the of fice gets carried over to the next day and the pattern repeats. Eventually, the health of those people worsens and their productivity on the job diminishes. Another reason is that people often find it attractive to do what their friends or colleagues do. For instance, if five colleagues of a worker join a pilates class and are happy about it, they then tend to recommend it to the worker in question and she will eventually join the class. Contagious behavior such as this can be very easily achieved on the job if pilates classes are offered, because then the discovery of the opportunity and the motivation to join are easily found. Hence, exercising at work becomes a very comfortable activity easily fit into a schedule and promotes the health and happiness of the employees. They not only feel better heath-wise after exercise, but also strengthen relationships with co-workers by doing activities together. In a way, this whole experience can be viewed as team building. Consequently, workers are more energized, alert and therefore productive in their jobs. Perhaps the best reason is that by providing free exercise facilities and wellness classes companies improve their image and become attractive places to be at for future employees. Not only can such companies attract more viable candidates for new openings, but they can also retain longer the employees they already have. To illustrate this point, let us take Google for example. The company was recently ranked as the best one to work at. One of the main criteria for achieving this rank was the fact that the company takes very good care of its employees in terms of encouraging healthy living. There are numerous sports facilities on the Google campus which people are encouraged to use. Those include gyms, swimming pools, volleyball courts, massage chairs, etc. Personal trainers are also available for free for anyone that needs them. There is also a health center facility on site. With that kind of environment it is difficult to not take advantage and live a healthy living, resulting in better productivity on the job. In summary, while there are arguments to be made for both sides of the issue, it is clear that there are much greater advantages for companies to provide their workers with free health facilities and classes. Workers find it not only much easier to take advantage of such opportunities on site, but also are much more motivated to do so there. Participating in sports activities improves the workers mood, desire to work hard, keeps them healthy, and creates a bond among workers. As a result, this translates to a better productivity of the workers and ultimately to maximized profits for the company. 5. Final tips During the tutorial type in a few sentences in the mock essay window to get used to the keyboard. Again during the tutorial, jot down on your notebook the basic structure of your essays or the opening sentences in case you get too nervous and forget them when the clock starts ticking. Write as much as you can. Try to write at least 500 words per essay. Always have the e-rater in mind as your potential reviewer. Remember that the human rater will make every effort to grade just like the e-rater. In that sense, keep your structure and volume in mind over actual quality/content. Be careful of spelling mistakes. Double check words that you normally know you misspell (e. g. exercise). Try to finish 2-3 minutes before time is up so you can slowly re-read your essay for the purposes of spell checking. Do not reorganize/delete sentences/paragraphs with less than 2 min left. No matter how great you thought your essays went, try to stay humble and focused remember this was just a warm-up and the real stuff hasnt started yet! Good luck! - Here is an essay I wrote for a PR Test Graded a 6. 0 (normally they grade harder than real thing) Prompt: â€Å"The autonomy of any country is based on the strength of its borders; if the number of illegal immigrants entering a country cannot be checked, both its economy and national identity are endangered. Because illegal immigrants pose such threats, every effort must be made to return them to their country of origin. † Assignment: Discuss how well-reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion, be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument. For example, you may need to consider what questionable assumptions underlie the thinking and what alternative explanations or counterexamples might weaken the conclusion. You can also discuss what sort of evidence would strengthen or refute the argument, what changes in the argument would make it more logically sound, and what, if anything, would help you better evaluate its conclusion. This argument relies heavily on unverified assumptions and has a very extreme conclusion. The author fails to make logical connections between the evidence provided and the conclusion that all illegal aliens must be returned to their country of origin. The first problem with the argument is that it suffers from multiple unsubstantiated claims. The first evidence that is given to support the extreme conclusion is that the autonomy of any country is based on the strength of its borders. This statement is also extreme because it infers that every countries autonomy could be ranked by the strength of its borders. There are many European countries that have very little strength exerted at the borders, but still maintain autonomy. The author should clarify this statement by grouping countries together or using a more vague statement that would include most countries but not all. The next statement in the argument is conditional phrase stating that the more illegal immigrants that enter a country the worse off the economy and national identity will be. While this statement might be true for some countries it is certainly not true for all countries. The very foundation of early US society was based on immigrant labor and culture that brought from over the sea. There are still many countries whose economy is heavily dependent on immigrant labor. Even though many economist feel this statement is true in the US today, most would disagree that this statement is true of all countries. The final portion of the authors argument is the conclusion. The conclusion states that the because of disadvantages mentioned earlier all illegal immigrants must be returned to their country of origin. Although this statement might appear to be a logical conclusion of this extreme argument it fails to take extra information into account. The author doesnt give any indication on how extreme these problems will be or how costly it will be to return the amount of illegal aliens to their home country. What if the cost to the economy was half the amount that it would cost to send all of the immigrants back to their country of origin? The author could use some monetary figures to prove that some savings would be incurred if all illegal immigrants were deported. In conclusion, the argument suffers from logical flaws and makes an extreme conclusion based on unproven assumptions. The addition of hard examples and connections between the statements would prove to strengthen the argument. *This just shows you how you dont have to write great to get a good score*

Monday, December 2, 2019

La Berceuse free essay sample

This is a 6 page paper that analyzes the painting La Berceuse by Vincent Van Gogh. This is a 6 page paper that analyzes the painting La Berceuse by Vincent Van Gogh using 5 sources in MLA format. Vincent Van Gogh was the son of a Dutch Protestant pastor and was born in 1853 at Zundert. He worked as an art dealer, a teacher in England and a missionary among the coal miners before taking up art in about 1880. His early works were chiefly drawings of peasants. After limited training in Hague and Antwerp where he studied the works of Rubens and Japanese prints, he moved to Paris in 1886. Here he briefly adopted the style of impressionism and then of pointillism. In Arles , 1888 he painted his best-known works orchards, sunflowers and the local postman and his family but only one painting was sold during his lifetime. The visit of his friend Gauguin ended in a quarrel during which Van Gogh cut off part of his own left ear. We will write a custom essay sample on La Berceuse or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In 1889 he entered a mental asylum at Saint-Remy. The ominous Wheatfield with Crows was painted shortly before his suicide in Auvers.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Frankenstein Summary

'Frankenstein' Summary Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a Gothic horror novel about a man named Victor Frankenstein who discovers the secret to creating life. He uses this knowledge to form a hideous monster, which becomes the source of his misery and demise. The novel is presented as an epistolary nested narrative, following the first-person accounts of Captain Walton, Victor Frankenstein, and the monster himself. Part 1: Walton’s Opening Letters The novel opens with Robert Walton’s letters to his sister Margaret Saville. Walton is a sea captain and a failed poet. He is traveling to the North Pole in pursuit of glory and has high hopes for geographical and scientific discoveries. On his journey, he spots what looks like a giant rushing by on a sledge; soon after, his ship passes an emaciated and frozen man floating on a slice of ice. The crew rescues the stranger, who reveals himself to be Victor Frankenstein. Walton is impressed with his wisdom and cultivation; they talk and Walton states that he would sacrifice his own life for the sake of a greater good, and for lasting glory. Frankenstein then launches into his own story as a warning of the dangers of such a life philosophy. Part 2: Frankenstein’s Story Frankenstein begins his tale with his happy upbringing in Geneva. His mother, Caroline Beaufort, is the daughter of a merchant and marries the older, reputable Alphonse Frankenstein. She is graceful and affectionate, and young Frankenstein has a wonderful childhood. He loves reading about the secrets of heaven and earth- natural philosophy, alchemy and the philosopher’s stone. He seeks glory and wishes to uncover the mystery of life. His close childhood friend, Henry Clerval, is his opposite; Clerval is curious about the moral relations of things, and is fascinated by tales of virtue and chivalry. Frankenstein’s parents adopt Elizabeth Lavenza, an orphaned child of Milanese nobility. Frankenstein and Elizabeth call each other cousin and are brought up together under the care of Justine Moritz, another orphan who serves as their nanny. Frankenstein praises Elizabeth much as he does his mother, describing her as saintly, and admiring her grace and beauty. Frankenstein’s mother dies of scarlet fever before he leaves for the University of Ingolstadt. In a state of heavy grief, he throws himself into his studies. He learns about chemistry and modern scientific theories. Eventually he discovers the cause of life- and he becomes capable of animating matter. He works in a feverish excitement to build a being in the likeness of a man, but proportionally larger. His dreams of beauty and fame are crushed when his finished creation is, in fact, monstrous and completely repulsive. Disgusted with what he has created, Frankenstein runs out of his house and happens upon Clerval, who has come to the University as a fellow student. They return to Frankenstein’s place, but the creature has escaped. Utterly overwhelmed, Victor falls into an intense sickness. Clerval nurses him back to health. Frankenstein eventually decides to travel home to Geneva once he recovers. He receives a letter from his father, which relays the tragedy that his younger brother, William, was murdered. Frankenstein and Henry return home, and upon reaching Geneva, Frankenstein goes for a walk to see for himself the place where William was killed. On his walk, he spies the gigantic creature in the distance. He realizes that the creature is responsible for the murder, but he is unable to prove his theory. Justine, who was framed by the monster, is convicted and hanged. Frankenstein is heartbroken. He turns to nature for isolation and perspective, and to forget his human problems. Out in the wilderness, the monster seeks him out to talk. Part 3: The Creature’s Tale The creature takes over the novel’s narrative and tells Frankenstein his life story. Soon after his birth, he realizes that all people are terrified of him and hateful towards him solely because of his appearance. Chased away by villagers throwing stones, he runs to the wilderness where he can hide from civilization. He finds a place to call home close by a cottage. A family of peasants lives there peacefully. The creature observes them daily and grows very fond of them. His empathy for humankind expands and he longs to join them. When they are sad, he is sad, and when they are happy, he is happy. He learns to speak through observation, and calls them by their names: Mr. De Lacey, his son Felix, his daughter Agatha, and Safie, Felixs love and the daughter of a ruined Turkish merchant. The creature teaches himself to read. With literature, he displays a human consciousness, facing the existential questions of who and what he is. He discovers his ugliness, and manages to disturb himself deeply when he spies his own reflection in a pool of water. But the monster still wants to make his presence known to the De Lacey family. He talks with the blind father until the other peasants come home and are terrified. They drive the creature away; he then journeys to Frankenstein’s home, and happens upon William in the wood. He wishes to befriend the boy, believing his youth would make him less prejudiced, but William is just as disgusted and fearful as anyone else. In a rage the monster strangles him and frames Justine for the murder. After completing his story, the creature asks Frankenstein to create a female companion with similar deformities. The creature has come to terms with the fact that he won’t be able to have any relationships with humans. He believes his malicious acts are a result of his isolation and rejection. He gives Frankenstein an ultimatum: the master will either deliver a creature companion or all he holds dear will be destroyed. Part 4: Frankenstein’s Conclusion Frankenstein again picks up the narrative. He and Elizabeth make their mutual love known. Frankenstein then travels to England with Henry, so that he can finish his engagement with the monster away from his family and friends before he marries Elizabeth. They travel together for some time, and then separate in Scotland; Frankenstein begins his work there. He believes the creature is stalking him and is plagued by what he promised to do, as he is convinced that creating a female creature would lead to a race of devils. Ultimately, he fails to deliver his promise, despite the creature confronting him. The creature threatens that he will be with Frankenstein on his wedding night, but Frankenstein will not create another monster. He journeys on to Ireland and is immediately imprisoned. The creature has strangled Clerval, and Frankenstein is believed to be the suspect. In jail, he becomes deathly ill for several months. His father comes to his rescue, and when the grand jury validates the proof that Frankenstein was on the Orkney Islands when Clerval was killed, he is liberated. He and his father travel home. He marries Elizabeth and prepares to battle the creature, remembering the monster’s threat. But while he is readying himself, the monster strangles Elizabeth to death. The creature escapes into the night, and shortly afterwards, Frankenstein’s father dies as well. Frankenstein is devastated, and he vows to find the creature and destroy him. He follows the monster up to the North Pole, where he comes across Walton’s expedition, and thus rejoins his narrative to the present. Part 5: Walton’s Concluding Letters Captain Walton ends the story as he began it. Walton’s ship is trapped in the ice, resulting in the deaths of some of his crewmen. He fears mutiny; many want him to turn southward as soon as the ship is free. He debates whether or not to forge ahead or turn back. Frankenstein urges him to move forward with his journey and tells him that glory comes at the price of sacrifice. Walton ultimately turns the ship around to return home, and Frankenstein passes away. The monster then appears to find his creator dead. He tells Walton of his plan to go as far north as possible and die so that the whole sordid affair can finally end.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Best AP Human Geography Review Books

The Best AP Human Geography Review Books SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If AP Human Geography is one of your first AP classes, you might be looking for some guidance on what you should study and how you should plan out your time. Even if you're not new to APs, it can be difficult to pin down what's important in this cross-disciplinary course. That's where review books come in handy. This guide will provide a list of the best AP Human Geography books for exam review and advice on how to choose one that fits your needs. What’s in This Guide? In this article, I'll go through the most useful review books for the AP Human Geography exam. Human Geography isa subject that can be a little difficult to grasp, and there are quite a few field-specific terms to memorize.This is also typically one of the first AP classes taken in high school. If that’s your situation, these books will provide much-needed insight into what the test is really like and how you can use smart strategies to earn the most points possible. I’ve categorized these books so that you can choose the one that works best for your personal learning style and time constraints. You'll also findpros, cons, and overall summaries for each of the AP Human Geography books so you can look at their specific qualities and make a more informed decision about which way you want to throw your hard-earned cash! Best Overall Review Book Cracking the AP Human Geography Exam (Princeton Review) Price: $11.39 Pros Two complete practice tests with answer explanations Practice questions accurately replicate the style and format of real exam questions Lists of key terms for each content chapter Great test-taking strategies Good explanations of geographic models Solid content review that covers everything you need to know for the test Cons Not in-depth enough to replicate the textbook content, but too in-depth to read in just a couple of nights Some students feel that the practice test questions are slightly easier than the real exam questions, especially the practice free-response questions No chapter-specific practice questions for topic review Summary This is a reliable review book if you have a month or two to study and are looking for good test-taking strategies.I’d recommend it for most students because of its relatable tone and easy-to-grasp explanations.Just make sure you continue to supplement with additional practice tests and questions from other sources! Best Long-Term Review Book Barron’s AP Human Geographyor Barron's AP Human Geography Plus CD Price: $9.55 by itself, $22.60 with CD Pros: Two full practice exams with answers and explanations in the book Two additional practice tests with automatic scoring and answer explanations if you get it with the CD (four full practice tests total!) Diagnostic test that includes a chart to help you map out your mistakes and see what you actually need to study Good survey of the different types of questions you’ll see on the test and the best way to solve each of them Does a good job of sticking to the content you need to know for the test Glossary of key terms after each chapter Cons: FRQs overestimate the difficulty of the actual exam questions a bit Practice multiple-choice questions are very heavy on basic vocabulary knowledge; there could be more questions that ask you to take your knowledge a bit further Dense with long paragraphs, harder to get through than Princeton Review Summary Overall, people have been happy with this book.Although Barron’s has a reputation for getting way too in-depth, I didn’t see as many complaints in that vein about this book.It covers all the key concepts and terms, and it doesn't go too far beyond the scope of the test.I’d recommend it if you have a few months before the test, and you don’t mind a somewhat drier style of writing.You might also consider getting theBarron’s AP Human Geography Flashcards (for the added price of $10.86) if you want an easy way to test yourself on all the terminology. Best Short-Term Review Book AP Human Geography Crash Course (REA) Price: $9.84 Pros Nice overview of all the geographic models you have to know for the exam Short and sweet review of all topics written in an accessible manner Smart, succinct advice on test-taking strategies Cons Only one practice exam, which isn’t included in the book itself (you have to go to the online REA Study Center - you’ll get an access code if you buy the book) Not enough information to use for self-study during the course itself Summary This is a great book for a quick reviewin the weeks before the test.It's the most directly exam-oriented book of all the options on this list, so it's a smart choice if you just want a straightforward, easy-to-digest guide to essential concepts. Supplemental AP Human GeographyBooks In this section, I'll list a couple more books that I wouldn't consider essential review materials but are still useful for additional practice. These books are not quite as high-quality as the first three. However, if you run out of practice tests or want to see the content presented in a slightly different way, you might consider adding one of them to your repertoire. Kaplan AP Human Geography Price: $14.56 Pros Two full-length practice tests plus a diagnostic test to assess your areas of weakness Strategies from actual AP teachers and students who got 5s on the exam Review questions at the end of each content chapter so you can test yourself topic by topic Easy-to-read format that’s not too wordy or too sparse on content Cons I don’t fully agree with the free-response advice (writing a conclusion for your free response answers on this exam? Not worth your time.) Practice questions are less challenging than the real test questions Summary This book is along the same lines as the Princeton Review and Barron’s, but it's not quite as good.You can use it for additional practice materials and piecemealreview of individual topics,but be wary of the fact that the questions are slightly easier than the ones you’ll see on the AP test. 5 Steps to a 5 AP Human Geography Price: $13.30 Pros Three study plans that you can choose from based on your schedule and learning style Three full practice exams Sets of review questions at the end of each content chapter Answer explanations that also include explanations of why the other choices are incorrect (lacking in a lot of other review books) Cons Sparse on test-taking tips Content review is not as thorough as it could be Summary This book has nice suggestions for planning out your prep schedule.However, you should supplement it with another, more comprehensive, review book to ensure that you’re revisiting all the content that might show up on the test. Which AP Human Geography Book Should You Get? This depends on how much time you have before the test and what your style of learning is like.I’d recommend getting one of the first three books to start. If you want a quick overview of the material to use as a little boost on top of your class notes and textbook (or if you only have a couple of weeks before the test), then go for Crash Course.If you want an in-depth, mostly standalone resource for longer term self-study, you should go for Barron’s.If you have a month or two before the test and are just looking for a standard solid review book, stick with Princeton Review.Then, if you feel you need more practice materials or would like to see the content presented slightly differently, you can think about buying one of the supplemental books! What's Next? Before you get to work earning points, you should know where they come from!Find out exactly how AP exams are scored. What will you get out of a high score on the AP exam? Read this article to learn how AP credit works at colleges. If you're still working on planning out the rest of your high school schedule, take a look at this article for some advice on which AP classes you should take in the upcoming years. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Regulation of cancer cell proliferation using siRNA tchnology Research Paper - 1

Regulation of cancer cell proliferation using siRNA tchnology - Research Paper Example The cancer stem cells are connected to maintain the unlimited and self-renewal growth capabilities of cancer while only consist of a small potion of the tumor. Consequently, cancer stem cells might be responsible for tumor progression, metastasis, and drug/treatment resistance development. Other studies have proved that small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) play a big on what genes are expressed or not expressed through gene silencing capabilities (Acton 47). Excitingly, siRNAs might provide some new perception into the complexities of cancer. These siRNA molecules could hold a huge potential therapeutically in the fight against cancer. This paper, discuses the functions of siRNAs and cancer stem cells and explain the link between these 2 topics. The paper also present methods to employ in current and forthcoming research to study the topics and expound upon different molecular therapy options that may have implications in altering cancer stem cells dysregulation and fighting oncogenesis. RNA interference is a key system within cells that assist control which genes get actived and to what degree they get activated. The 2 central RNA interferences are the small interfering RNA (siRNA) and micro RNA (miRNA). Both play a role in gene silencing. The siRNAs originate from procession of long, double-stranded RNA and target the miRNAs for degradation using full complementary sequences. Meanwhile, miRNAs are derived from procession of short RNAs hairpins and silence expression of gene through translational repression or miRNA degradation with partially complementary target orders. However, there is a more important difference. The siRNAs are regularly of exogenous origin, while the siRNAs are endogenously encoded. For this fat, the use of siRNAs has attracted many researchers because of their reliability and efficient application to developing therapeutics in combating diseases like cancer. The biogenesis of siRNAs has been studied and reviewed by

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dolls Dont Swim Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dolls Dont Swim - Essay Example It was not a busy day, I only passed a few people on my way. The river was peaceful, almost too peaceful. I have never seen it like this. As if it was waiting for something. Then, I saw a little girl walking perilously close to the water. Her greenish, ballerina-like dress was blending in with the dirty greenness of the water, transforming the little girl into a water nymph. Her golden locks were glistening in the sun, her hand ivory pale, holding a doll. All of a sudden, the fingers that were so carelessly holding the doll, opened up, like a sunflower to the sky, and she started smiling and spinning in place, like a nymph doing a rain dance, dropping her precious doll. The water swallowed the doll in one gulp, hungrily. There was a scream. Then no girl. I was frozen. The legs that were attached to my body were not mine. When I wanted to call for help, only warm breath oozed from out my mouth. Words were iced up inside my mind. I just stood there, mesmerized with the sight of the dro wning little nymph, like I was mesmerized a few minutes ago by her image. Then, out of nowhere, a young man came running, his red shorts flickering in the sun. Without thinking twice, he jumped into the river after the girl. The river violently took him in, reluctant to give either of them back to the surface world. The young man’s athletic body fought the waves as only a professional swimmer could, the girl barely able to keep herself from sinking. â€Å"Just a little more and he’s there,† I thought to myself.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hitchcock began his career in filming Essay Example for Free

Hitchcock began his career in filming Essay Hitchcock began his career in filming in the 1920s. Later on he became a director, this involved changing the script or book into a film. Hitchcock used his own method of preparing the order of shots before filming, as he preconceived each shot in Psycho, ensuring that the tension was built up in a dramatic manner with a purpose, which made him very successful and led to a huge success. Hitchcock found ways to overcome censorship laws against nudity, sex and violence. He shot the film in black and white to conceal flesh/blood. Music was created to build up an atmosphere of contempt to kill, also to make the audience feel relaxed to increase the shock of certain events. The shower scene was shot in 76 cuts! So that the protagonists arms and other objects would cover up her breasts. Hitchcocks, most impressive technique was to suggest violence instead of showing it, which made it much more dramatic. Hitchcock used techniques, which later became known as Hitchcockean techniques. He tries to emphasise a characters view by only having one person in a shot or relating the charter to the audience. Placing objects around the room to show characters characteristics and builds up certain ideas. Hitchcock used an ongoing theme of death through out the film, using stairs to represent life at the bottom and death at the top, which instantly creates tension as soon as a shot with stair is shown. The plot begins with Marion having an affair with Sam. She is sick of sneaking around with him and is sick of her job. So one day when her boss gives her money to deposit in the bank, which she keeps for herself and decides to run away to her boyfriend, the audience have related to Marion and because of this do not think that she has done anything wrong. When se is on the road she is followed by a police officer so part-exchanges her car for a new one, the audience starts to think that she will get caught and start to hope that she doesnt. She then continues on her journey, but gets lost in the rain. She arrives at the Bates Motel and decides to stay there the night. She meets the owner, Norman Bates who seems a nice man, although a little nervous (to scared to say bathroom. ). He offers her tea, but his mother objects so they secretly eat in the back room. The audience have related with Marion and because of this are also unsure this helps to build up the suspense at a key point in the films. Marion then goes to have a shower, but unknowingly is watched through a peephole. She is then killed by a mystery figure, the audience then feel shocked that the main character has died. Norman finds the body and forgets about it. However Marions sister and Sam want to find out where she has gone so hire a private detective, who leads them to the bates motel. Psycho begins with the normal (a big city. ) and draws slowly into the abnormal (Norman and his disturbed mother. )

Thursday, November 14, 2019

African Creation Stories :: African Culture Creation Tales Essays

African Creation Stories There are many similarities among most African creation stories. Likewise certain differences are also noticeable. For example, I chose four creation stories to make the comparisons between them. The first one is "An African Cosmogony." Here, Bumba is the creator. He created nine living creatures, after vomiting the sun and the moon, from which all other animals emerged. The second one, "An African story of the Creation of Man", is a story among the Shilluks of the White Nile which basically explains the different complexions among the various races on Earth. They believed Juok molded all men of earth while he wandered the earth creating the rest of the world. White men were created from white sand which Juok found in the land of the white. Red or brown men were created out of the mud of the Nile in Egypt. Black men were created from black earth found in the land of the Shilluck. According to this creation story, man was given all necessary parts to function. Each part had a reason f or being. For example, Juok gave man arms in order for man to work. The third one, "God and the Five women" states the myth of the origin of earth, fire, water and woman, from the Thompson Indians of North Pacific Coast. This creation story states that Earth was created by Old One or Chief. He came down from the upper world in a cloud and created five Perfectly formed young women. To each of them he asked what they wished to be. The first one wished to be "bad". The second one wanted to be "good". The third one wanted to become Earth. The fourth one wanted to become Fire. And the fifth one became water. Finally, the fourth story, "Creation by Thought" states that man was created out of a thinking process by which he first created the Earth and then created man in resemblance of himself. The Earthcreator designed man out of clay. He gave man mind and thought, tongue, soul, and the ability to talk. All of these features came about out of a thought process. In all these stories there is a chief creator. One god, or creator, is in charge of populating the Earth and making men. Two of these stories have similar concepts in relation to the creation of men. Men being created out of clay is similar in the "Creation by Thought" story and "An African Story of the Creation of Man".

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Orange and Bronze Main Problem

Development of online android application market for Orange and Bronze Main Problem: a. The company has no testing site or centralized point of for their applications software products. Specific Problems: a. Many software products are non-marketable b. Limited number of their software products viewed in the public Causes of the Problems: a. Other countries have different speculations of software products because of their culture b.Almost all of their software products is for their big clients such as accenture, advance, Aeon, Allied Telesis, Technologies so hey don't give the overview of their products because of security purposes and copyrighted. c. Effects of the Problems: a. More software products will be wasted b. Loss of clients. General Subject Area: Application of Mobile Technology in the field of Business II. Specific Topic: The OBAAM is an Philippine android online application that enables the user to download and browse mobile application.It also helps the Application devel oper to publish their own application for testing Ill. Definition of the Topic: A. Importance and Significance The purpose of this study is to have an efficient, reliable, and functioning entralized distributor of software product of the company that can be viewed and download in public. This study aims to present solution to the development ot system that will help the company to upload their apps (made by their Junior programmer) for testing. It also helps other developer's idea not to be wasted.This research project allows us gain information for the development of a system. It also help us for our future career. Through this research, we will already have a peek in what we will do in the future. B. Manageability: (Scope and Limitations) Is the research topic within your capability? What: Descriptions and types The OBAAM is an online Android application that will help the company to test their software products. Feedbacks from the user of the software will help the company for fu rther improvements of the software.Who: users and beneficiaries Through this proposed system, the user could easily find company's android apps even those unusual apps that can only be downloaded in the Philippines. The users will be benefitted by having feedback messages that will be the basis on improving the said system Where: users and applications To use the said system, the user will require android devices. When: historical background The company focuses in providing software services and software products on many big clients so lots of their software products cannot be viewed or download.Why: importance and relevance The system will help the client, user and the company interact providing their different needs. The system will distribute the software products made by the company and benefit both company and user How: process, functions and operations The processes include browsing and downloading of new software apps, uploading apps ,writing suggestions or bugs in forums and C. Availabili y ot Resources: (Sources ot Intormation) Where do you intend to get the information? Primary Data: Thesis and Dissertation Secondary Data: Internet Others: Journals, Articles D.Expected Output/ObJectives A system passed the following evaluation in terms of efficiency, reliability, functionality and maintainability. It will help the company to test their software, user to find unusual mobile android apps and save ideas in terms of marketability. General Objective: A designed and developed system and that will the evaluation in terms of functionality, reliability, and maintainability. The system is a apable of reporting bugs. The report or feedback will come from the users via forums.Specific Objectives: The proposed system will help the company to increase the number of software products viewed in public that will lead to increasing number of their client. The system will be the container of software products in which it will make the unusual software products marketab le so many ideas will not be wasted. University of Makati J. P. Rizal Ext. West Rembo, Makati City College of Computer Science Name: Canizares, Francis Joseph Diamante Garcia, Catherine Echipare Reyes, Edgar Peralta Program: Bachelor ot Science in Intormation Technology Major in Service Management TOPIC PRESENTATION Topic No. l. General Subject Area II. Specific Topic Ill. Specific of Research a. Background of the Study Orange and Bronze was founded in July 2005 by Calen Martin Legaspi and Renato â€Å"Butch† Landingin. Calen Legaspi says that they â€Å"wanted to establish a technology- oriented company that Filipinos can be proud of†¦ we would also want to contribute to global programming standards, create new technologies and be with the same level together with globally-respected companies like Google, Microsoft and BoostPro. The company started as a two-man consulting firm doing software training for local software companies.Their clients eventually hired them as s oftware consultants, before the company ventured into offshore software development projects. This led to partnerships with Google, Springsource and Pentaho. Orange & Bronze Software Labs Inc. (O&B) is a privately-owned computer software development company based in the Philippines. The company delivers software consulting, product engineering, and IT training services with a focus on Java technology. Their mantra is to successfully create software and provide technology olutions that work. b. Research Description i.General Objectives To develop an Application Market that will serve as a centralized contact point and distributor of apps for Android Devices Specitlc O 1 . Evaluate the system in terms of functionality, reliability, efficiency and maintainability 2. Develop the system designed 3. Provision of secure payment mechanisms 4. Avoidance of Downtime ill. Scope and Limitations This study is limited to browsing, downloading of Android apps for user, choosing of application type and publishing of application for Developer The OBAAM will only work whenever there is an internet connection.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Computer Hackers Essay

The sub culture group of hackers has been around since the 1960s. The underground sub culture of hacking has evolved into a mainstream open community. Some famous hackers like Eric Corlery, Gordon Lyon, Gary McKinnon, and Kevin Mitnick have done their fair share of infiltrating network bases all over the United States. These people have a unique mindset that allows them to crack these codes set up by government officials. Eric Raymond tries to classify this group of people as crackers because they crack codes of computers but the community wanted to keep the name hackers. Regardless of the name the community of people is smart and can break down your computer at anytime. A hacker is a person who finds a weakness in a system and exploits it. Some motivation for hackers can be money, challenge, or pure adrenaline rush. There is a difference between a cracker and a hacker. Crackers are normally considered when people are involved with computers. There are several types of hackers all over the world. White hat hackers breach security for no reason at all. The term white hat means ethical hacker. A black hat hacker breaks into secure networks to destroy data or to make the networks not useable for those who are allowed to use it. Black hat hackers have a process called pre hacking to help them determine which network to hack. The hacker first looks for an open port to gain access to. After that is done the hacker will find ways to get vital information about the network to get into the system. Hackers will even go above and beyond to engage activities like dumpster diving. Dumpster diving is when people actually dive into a dumpster to get information like documents that can help them breakdown the network. A grey hat hacker is a combination of white hat hacker and black hat hacker. A grey hat hacker will surf the internet just to crack the network and charge the administrator to set up a firewall. Basically the hacker sets up the administrator without letting them know that they broke into their system. A social status among hackers is the elite hacker. These hackers are the most skilled in their field. Script kiddie hacker is the hacker that attempts to hack with pre packaged software. A neophyte is a non experienced hacker who really does not know what they are doing. They are new to the whole sub culture of hacking. A blue hat hacker is one who is outside of the security consulting firm who looks for places that have been exploited to patch up the weakness. Some attacks a hacker use are network enumeration, vulnerability analysis, and exploitation. There are techniques like vulnerability scanners, password cracking, and packet sniffer, spoofing attack, and rooting attack. A vulnerability scanner is a tool used to quickly check computers on a network for known weaknesses. Hackers also commonly use port scanners. These check to see which ports on a specified computer are open or available to access the computer, and sometimes will detect what program or service is listening on that port, and its version number. Password cracking is in essence guessing what the password could be to the administrator server. A packet sniffer uses data packets to catch the store data in the computer. Also hackers used techniques like intimidation, helpfulness, and name dropping to get people within a company to give out information regarding the servers so they may be able to attain the network information. At times these hackers come out successful. With so many worms and viruses like the Trojan horse a hacker can infiltrate your server and get all your information. There have been programs like Norton and MacAfee to help cut down on hacking. This sub culture like the thrill of breaking down walls and seeing what they are not suppose to see. Between people not being smart about certain things they do online and the hacker for setting them up, this issue of hacking can be a big problem. Not everything that is hacked is bad because government plans have risen to show what bad things they have created to ruin America. At the end of the day make sure you log out your account and get antivirus software to keep your account, your  account.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

work emotions essays

work emotions essays In life everyone has different characteristics of personalities and thus everyone reacts to situation differently. Some people can manage dissatisfactory with extreme tolerances and roll with the punches while some people are more concerned with well being thought of, rather than providing optimal care to everyone. It is nevertheless very important for an individual to display uniqueness in their lives as in a relationship or for other social issues because everyone has their individual rights and entitlements that let them act in a certain way. However, in the field of business or an organization, we will always have to consider every tiny factor accounts as a group because it is not only ones matter but rather a two way or multiple relations. Towards this direction as the principal concern, I would suggest my friend to handle his/ her emotions with moderately strong internal locus of control while maintaining own personal ethics to values and determines whether actions his/her acti ons are right or wrong. This will likely make his/her life easier in the work field and performs better on both individual and team work basis. In long term, the great thing about this is that he/she will find himself/herself with job satisfaction and also aware of his/her own limitations, needs and means for improvement. There are two sides to any coin, and the currency of management science is no different in that respect than the dime in your pocket. Many people have discovered that a career is not just about matching ones technical skills with job requirements. Indeed, it also requires certain types of personality dimensions upon their job. In the past four years, I have been working as an escort for my parents travel company, it had given me a chance to recognize the presence and needs for working inside an organization. It was a very precious experience to me because I found out that working inside a group is not as simple as I ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Huckleberry Finn and the Subject of Slavery

'Huckleberry Finn' and the Subject of Slavery The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain was first published in the United Kingdom in 1885 and the United States in 1886. This novel served as a social commentary on the culture of the United States at the time, when slavery was a hot-button issue addressed in Twains writing. The character Jim is Miss Watsons slave and a deeply superstitious man who escapes from his captivity and societys constraints to raft down the river. This is where he meets Huckleberry Finn. In the epic journey down the Mississippi River that follows, Twain portrays Jim as a deeply caring and loyal friend who becomes a father figure to Huck, opening the boys eyes to the human face of slavery. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said of Twains work that, Huckleberry Finn knew, as did Mark Twain, that Jim was not only a slave but a human being [and] a symbol of humanity...and in freeing Jim, Huck makes a bid to free himself of the conventionalized evil taken for civilization by the town. The Enlightenment of Huckleberry Finn The common thread that ties Jim and Huck together once they meet on the riverbank - other than a shared location - is that they are both fleeing from the constraints of society. Jim is fleeing from slavery and Huck from his oppressive family. The disparity between their plights provides a great basis for drama in the text, but also an opportunity for Huckleberry to learn about the humanity in every person, no matter the color of skin or class of society they are born into. Compassion comes from Hucks humble beginnings. His father is a worthless loafer and mother is not around. This influences Huck to empathize with his fellow man, rather than following the indoctrination of the society he left behind. In Hucks society, helping a runaway slave like Jim was the worst crime you could commit, short of murder. Mark Twain on Slavery and the Setting In Notebook #35, Mark Twain described the setting of his novel and the cultural atmosphere of the south in the United States at the time The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn took place: In those old slave-holding days, the whole community was agreed as to one thing - the awful sacredness of slave property. To help steal a horse or a cow was a low crime, but to help a hunted slave, or feed him or shelter him, or hide him, or comfort him, in his troubles, his terrors, his despair, or hesitate to promptly to betray him to the slave-catcher when opportunity offered was a much baser crime, and carried with it a stain, a moral smirch which nothing could wipe away. That this sentiment should exist among slave-owners is comprehensible - there were good commercial reasons for it - but that it should exist and did exist among the paupers, the loafers the tag-rag and bobtail of the community, and in a passionate and uncompromising form, is not in our remote day realizable. It seemed natural enough to me then; natural enough that Huck and his father the worthless loafer should feel it approve it, though it seems now absurd. It shows that that strange thing, the conscience - the unerring monitor - can be trained to approve any wild thing you want it to approve if you begin its education early and stick to it. This novel wasnt the only time Mark Twain discussed the horrendous reality of slavery and the humanity behind each slave and freed man, citizens and humans deserving of respect the same as anyone else. Sources: Ranta, Taimi. Huck Finn and Censorship. Project Muse, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983. De Vito, Carlo, Editor. Mark Twains Notebooks: Journals, Letters, Observations, Wit, Wisdom, and Doodles. Notebook Series, Kindle Edition, Black Dog Leventhal, May 5, 2015.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

World Trade Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World Trade Organisations - Essay Example The WTO aims mainly at providing assistance for the producers of goods and services, exporters and also importers for basically conducting their businesses effectively (WTO, 2010). Applying to the WTO for a trade dispute is based in a series of steps. These include, firstly, becoming a member of the WTO, following which the first stage includes the consultation which lasts for almost 60 days. Here the aim is to identify if the parties are able to find a solution between themselves and all the implementation of the rulings and recommendations are constantly monitored by the WTO (UNDERSTANDING THE WTO, 2010). Post this stage of the application, the panel is introduced to the parties and the Dispute Settlement Body. Here this groups work toward providing the final ruling or recommendations to the two countries. The types of cases and disputes that are introduced in the WTO for solutions are very varied and come from various backgrounds. Of these one of the most famous cases of a trade dispute was that of the Caribbean bananas which was initiated in September 1997 and went on to become a world famous case. The case was initiated by the US government on behalf of a US based brand - Chiquita Brands against the Europes Lomà © Convention which gave preference to the small banana producers and provided a chance for exports to across the world (Costantini, 2001). Here in this case the ruling of the WTO was to ensure that no discrimination is made based on the where or how the food was produced and also no discrimination based on how the food was created. The ruling led to an impact on the European Unions and the trade agreements with the African Caribbean and Pacific countries (Costantini, 2001). As explained by the WTO in the list of its cases, the outcome for the case was as follows, â€Å"The U.S. and E.U. reached an agreement to begin to dismantle the barriers to

Friday, November 1, 2019


EMPLOYEE RIGHTS, MANAGED CARE AND PATIENT SAFETY - Essay Example Managed care organizations, commonly referred as MCOs (Pozgar 2012) have been a key feature in this sector. According to the (Altenstettter &Bjorkman 2000) it has been seen that integration of both the insurer and provider functions been in the increase. Health Maintenance Organizations not only finances, but also ensure delivery of health services, which are comprehensive, to all the bonafide beneficiaries. The charges, under this model, are made on the employer for each subscriber. The fixed premium charge goes a long in giving the beneficiary rights of both being insured and provided medical care in case of ailments (Pozgar 2012). Subscriber should though note that, once in this system they can only get service from HMO contracted physicians. The HMO model has several forms which include staff and Independent practice association model. Under staff-model, an arrangement is made for the physician to proved services to the subscribers on full-time basis. The IPA- model has arrangeme nts made between the independent physicians and HMO to offer services on contract to the beneficiaries. Health care services can be bought from a group of providers who are carefully selected. Care in selection is emphasized so that the beneficiaries get the best treatment. This is accomplished through preferred provider organizations which are characterized by a well utilization management plan. Under this model, negotiation of payment rates and speeded payment terms are facilitated. In addition, the beneficiaries have freedom to choose services from other providers though at their own cost (Pozgar 2012). The major essence of this model is the negotiation of charges between the payer and panel providers whom the terms are on contract basis. The payer also selects a panel of providers whom are consulted by the enrollees in case of ailments or other medical necessities. This model has

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Moral Frameworks for Business Ethics Research Paper

Moral Frameworks for Business Ethics - Research Paper Example Organizations undergo in part a morality breadth by which the organizations are ruled. The people who execute are morally responsible to the people they serve. Similarly, they should also be an inspiration by creating trust and leading via common purpose and understanding. The decisions made by corporations cannot be separated from culture, behavior, and structure. A proposal was outlined by some researchers to associate a corporation to its political and social environment in the same way their decisions interfaced with the economic environment and the structure of the industry. This research represented a rigorous understanding call for social and ethical characteristics, which dominated decision making for corporations. In the last ten years, a large amount of journals in ethics has gained development. In the management of corporations, the strategic part of it came into existence recently and currently is used in planning and business. A researcher took a position that was radica l that there is intrinsic worth in stakeholder’s interest irrespective of if its advances to shareholders interest. From this point of view, a corporation’s success is not the last but in another way should be viewed as a vessel to the advancement of stakeholders’ interest. Ethical analysis is the way of arriving at conflicts resolution in goals and morals. It is vital in business. CSR developments have led to the questioning of investments decision’s moral sensitivity. Facts Morality is majorly on the norms, beliefs, and values which are embedded in the process of socialization, which defines the wrong and right of a specific society. All human beings have a morality which is basic in sensing of wrong and right in association with an activity. In a corporation, the management personnel is recognized as moral people. Moral problems majorly concentrate on the harms brought by or caused to people in ways they cannot control. The principle of harm has been d erived from many sources inclusive of utilitarian, contractual, virtue ethics and deontology. According to the utilitarian, the correct actions are the ones which excavate the best from any given situation. Therefore, harming others does not produce anything good, and if harm is prevented there are always good results in most cases. Every manager in any corporation makes decisions based on this case. Moral problems majorly focus on harms caused to specific groups or individuals beyond their control. The moral problems, which are related to working conditions, are complicated as the harm they cause to particular people or group is due to the benefits derived by others. For instance, the employees of a specific company might be working under pathetic conditions as their managers have embezzled some funds that were meant to deal with the situation. In contrary, a company at times has to execute irrespective of the harm that is caused to other people. The secret behind morality is relat ed to the notion that moral issues are not measures which vary with economic and cultural conditions. The application of morality to business has been made more acceptable than before. Morality in business provides an explicit framework of morality within which business can specifically be evaluated activities by corporations.  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Wall Construction Of Single Storey Residential Buildings Construction Essay

Wall Construction Of Single Storey Residential Buildings Construction Essay This finding is to determined the different types of wall having its own uses for certain factors. Wall construction contains of various types of method used , it maybe not straightforward as one using one of the more common construction methods. Walls is constructed in many different form and of various materials to achieve several functions. There are many different types of wall with its own functions ; exterior walls and interior walls or either load-bearing wall and non-load-bearing wall. Walls are often included doors and windows , which are exists for controlled passage of environmental factors and peoples through the wall line. There are many types of materials can be used for wall construction, for example stone, rock, wood, clay, cement, brick, thatch and glass. Different type of wall needed different material to achieve its main supporting function , and also others reason as well. LIST OF FIGURE, TABLE AND ABBREVIATIONS : List of figure download (1).jpg Brick Brick is a single block which is very commonly used in construction material. It is made up by the clay. Many pieces of bricks will make up a wall, aggregate57.jpg Aggregates Aggregate is a composite material that normally used in the construction material. It is also used to become mortal with the combination of cement and fine sand. download.jpg Cavity wall Cavity wall is a wall that consists of one layer of insulation between the brick outer leaf and the brick inner leaf. The main function of this wall is that it provides insulation that prevent heat losses. It is very suitable for the country which has 4 seasons like United Kingdom. brick wall.jpg Brick wall Brick wall is the wall that made up by the brick and mortal. Its main function is that it provide a layer of protection which separate the outside area and inside area of the houses. This wall is normally can see in our country. running_bond.jpg Running Bond It is also named as stretcher bond which is the most popular bonding in Malaysia. The style is referred to as running, create a straight line between the brick. One of the benefit is this bond is that there is no need to use header bricks. The structure is usually connected with wall ties and understood to be a cavity wall  bond. CHAPTER 1.0 : Introduction BCEC1104 Material and Construction course ask us to do some overview of material and construction for building structures and elements. Their objectives or aims are to gain knowledge on construction of building structures and elements theoretically as well as attain practically. It also to gain a better understanding on justifications of usage different materials and to be able to link and integrate with all disciplines, fields and related requirements of construction engineering with regard to buildings. Besides, there are many study benefit that we gain through completing this assignment. That is because we are asking to prepare an item as follows for single storey residential buildings. As our case studies is a single storey residential building, so we just focus on the elements of that buildings. Due to the requirement of completing this assignment, we now know and well known all about wall. For example, we know what the common types of wall used in Malaysia. We can differentiate what the common types of wall used in Malaysia and other country. Because, one of the design factors of walls construction is based on the weather. Basically, each country has different types of weather. Besides, we also know the types of materials used and the design factors of wall construction. In addition, through this assignment, we are well known about the walls construction method according to materials used. The best moment is when we are asking to make a scale model of single storey residential b uildings. It makes us easier to gain our understanding about common types of walls, its elements and the materials used because they want us construct a scale model that exactly showing the construction of these three requirements. CHAPTER 2.0 : Building Biodata Our case studies is a single storey residential buildings at Lot 320, Kg Serdang Permai, 31300, Kg Kepayang, Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan and it was a hometown of one of our group members which is Nur Dania Azira Binti Azizul. This residential building plan has been designed and drawn by Mah Kwai Kuen on 13th January in 1987. He certify that the plans are submitted in accordance with the street, drainage and building act 1974 and uniform building by law (UBBL) 1984 and accept full responsibilities accordingly. Mah Kwai Kuen is a building draftsman that registered with Architects Malaysia Board. This residential building has been approved by Yang Di Pertua Majlis Daerah Kinta Barat Batu Gajah on 30th April in 1982. It is a single storey residential building at No P.T. 320, Mukim Sungei Raya, Daerah Kinta. The owner of that residential building is Mr Mohamed Shafie Bin Ismail which lived at No 608, J.K.R. Quarter, 31800, Kampar before the construction. The chronological development has been stated in the plans given by Mr Shafie. Firstly, all brick wall to be in cement mortar 1:3 and reinforcement concrete to be in 1:2:4 mix. Secondly, glazed pipe have to be jointed with cement. Thus, joints in cast iron pipes must be made with molten lead over a gasket of packed yarn and men holes and inspection chamber should be grease sealed. Next, the inspection chambers must be bended render and corner rounded off. After that, the ends off tipper must be supported on bearing fixed, brass fixed with oiling cups. At the same time, all inverts of manholes and inspection chamber are must be built S.W.G. half round channel and all manholes inspections covers and frames must be in standard municipal type. Mosquito proof conv. covers to inlet and outlet tee pipe should be provided while all sanitary appliances pump and mortars should be of the approved types by the council. But before commencement of works the sources of supply of C.I and S.G.W, pipe must be submitted to the council together with simple of these pipes for approval. All pipes must be of an approved brand and made complying relevant British standard specifications and manufactures by the approved manufactures. In addition, elect mortar pump must be provided with auto float switch and all M.H covers must be 18 ÃÆ'- 24 iron grease sealed typs. Lastly, all sanitary appliances shall be provided with proper trap. CHAPTER 3.0 : Building Elemental Construction F:DCIM102AZMIRbuilding element drawings.jpg Figure 1.1 Show the wall construction drawings of case studies. F:DCIM102AZMIRdetails drawings.jpg Figure 1.2 Show the wall construction details drawings of case studies. Building Element Construction Process Explanations Elaborations As we know, wall is the structures constructed to enclose and area, to support floors and roof or divide the floor area of a building into a required number of rooms. Building construction process is activities done on construction site. Building construction process usually started with site clearance, earthworks, setting out, substructure, superstructure, finishes, services, external work and lastly is completion. However, site activities are different according to site location and topography and also the type of building. Building construction process can be divides into five parts. The first part is site preparation. While doing the site preparation, usually they will do some clearance, earthworks, site marking, hoarding, dewatering, temporary building and also temporary road. Thus, the second part is sub structure. While doing the sub structure process, they usually will do the piles, foundation, ground floor slab, ground beam and column stump. Next, the third part is super structure. While doing the super structures process, they will make a frame, upper floor slab, walls, roof, doors windows, finishes and utilities. Then, the fourth part is services. While doing the services process, they usually do the process of sanitary, cold water supply, air conditioner and also fire fighting. Lastly, the last part is external works. While doing the external works, they will do the roads, car park, drainage, fencing, truing and landscape. Based on everything mentioned above, the element which is wall is an element that made in the third part of construction process. The third part of construction process is super structure. This is means that wall is an element in super structure process. The construction process of each wall is different according to the types of wall itself. For solid bricks wall, it is made from clay or sand plus lime. Each bricks will be arranged in a wall or column. It is called as bonding. The purpose of bonding is to obtain maximum strength, ensure the lateral stability and to be an acceptable appearance. There are many types of brick bonding. Take for examples are English bonding and Flemish bonding. Solid wall of brick or block work usually has an inside finish of plaster. The external face is often rendered or painted to prevent rain and moisture penetration. Another type of wall is solid blocks wall. It has no specific size but more than bricks size. It is made from pre-cast concrete and it is suitable for external walls. For cavity walls, it is a better thermal insulation and weather resistance. It is been constructed by two leaves of a cavity wall are tied together with wall ties. The outer leaf normally is brick. While the inner leaf of brick or block work, usually with a plastered finish. The partial cavity is fill insulation. Some walls may have no insulation or may be fully filled. Thus, for parapet wall, it is a low wall projecting above the level of a roof, bridge or balcony. It is used to form a guard or barrier at the edge. Other than these is curtain walling. For this type of wall, it is lightweight non loading bearing. In the low rise buildings, it is use timber or patent glazing. However, in the high rise buildings, it is use steel or aluminium alloy. The last one is retaining walls. It is act as an earth retaining structure . CHAPTER 4.0 : Wall are designed and constructed in many different form and of various materials to achieve several functions. There are many different types of wall with its own functions ; exterior walls and interior walls or either load-bearing wall and non-load-bearing wall. Walls are often included doors and windows , which are exists for controlled passage of environmental factors and peoples through the wall line. Nowadays, modern building wall including bearing and curtain wall as a combination of both in response to the construct the needs of buildings as a whole. Both types may appear similar when complete but their sequences of construction usually not. Exterior walls used to protect the building from external environment and accidental factors or effects such as climate changes , fires , ultraviolet radiation , bacteria and virus , dust and sound , by considering the desirable interior environmental conditions. These walls are usually a load-bearing walls and always constructed to be tough and strong enough to resist the horizontal and vertical forces impose upon them safely , which is as defined by building codes. A load-bearing wall not only supports its own weight within a building , but also supports weights of other parts of the construction which is usually placed at the strategic points within the structure in order to supports a ceiling , roof or the others building elements , for example like floor joists or ceiling beams which many types of buildings make use of those 2 elements to produce a large degree of strength to the spaces , it willl considered to be not enough for any building that occupies an appreciate amount of space. So , a load-bearing wall is gauged to appropriate thickness to carry the weight above them , if not its possible that an outer wall couild become unstable state. If the load exceeds the strength of material used , potentially causing to collapse of the structure of building. Even a small space of not more than thousands square feet will be largely enhanced by the existence of a bearing wall to help to support a stable roofline and augment to the stability supported by joists and rafters. If without a bearing wall , the structure is likely to collapse or weaken at a speed up rate. Ceiling beams and rafters will slowly weakens from the raised stress , leading to a weakened ceiling and roof that is less likely to resist to strong blowing winds or storms. In the case of a doubled storey building , without the exist of bearing wall placed on the first floor will almost guaranteed that the flooring for the second storey will be weaken eventually and very fast. Therefore , exterior walls normally construct with concrete , block or brick to provide a stronger grip betweeen the structures of building. The alterations of a load-bearing wall can be made is also limited , it may required the placement of temporary supports for certain types of remodelling those construction or renovation projects. A bearing wall does not must have to be a solid expanse of wall. Walls of this type can include doors and others openings such as windows and vents. Additional framing built to it. When renovate or reconstruct the interior home or other building, its necessary to identify the supporting wall of the building. If at all possible, movement of walls should be restricted to any part that determined to be non-bearing wall. If the new renovation or construction does call for removing a bearing, caution steps should be taken to shove up the structure until a newly placed bearing wall is put into a place and support system for the structure is restored to full efficiency. In hous ing, most common used in light construction method known as platform framing and each load-bearing wall lies on a wall sill plate which is match to the lowest base plate. The sills are connected and assemble to the masonry or concrete foundation. On the other hand, interior walls normally used to separate rooms in a house or building. Interior walls usually are not load-bearing walls. This type of walls are support only themselves , it might run perpendicular to the floor and ceiling joists , it will not be aligned upon support beams , for example partition walls is a type of non-load bearing interior walls. A non-load bearing wall can be altered or even removed completely without weakening the structure of the building. Most of the material used for the elements of interior building have to be safe, and should be compatible with the lighting schemes which can produce a comfort and harmless environment for occupancy. Besides that, the ways to construct and the type of materials used for interior construction or renovation should be easy to maintain well and keep it from clean. Interior walls commonly may construct with blocks or bricks from clay , reinforced or hollow, terra-cotta or concrete, sometimes glass blocks may also be used for certain visual purposes. Other than that, timber is also been used for partition walls which consists of wooden framework either supported on the floor side walls or below. Bearing wall construction may be masonry wall, cast-in place wall or precast reinforced concrete wall, stud and sheathing wall and composite types wall. Bearing wall must be erected before supported building component above can be built. Meanwhile, curtain wall including lighter versions of those used for bearing walls. These walls also comprise the combination of ceramic-coated metal panels, glass panels, or corrugated metal sheets, each laterally supported by light sub framing members. Since it receives vertical support by spandrel beams, or relieving angles, at the wall line, the curtain wall can be built after the building frame is completed. Among these types of walls , the commonly wall used in our buildings is masonry wall , reinforced concrete wall , stud and sheathing wall , prefabricated wall , glass , metal or ceramic-coated metal panel wall and tilt-up wall. Masonry walls is one of the traditional type and now commonly used in most wall construction of buildings. It is kind of durable form of wall construction that normally used in both bearing and curtain walls. It is designed in conformity with building codes and is constructed by individual placement of blocks of stone, bricks, cinder concrete, cut stone, or combinations of these materials. These units are held together by putting a mortar between them, this can helps to provide high performance enclosures, which fulfil support, control and finish functions. Load-bearing walls, infill walls, and partition walls are physical barriers that help to provide privacy, security and fire and sound separation from external environment. When it is the section or part of the building envelope, masonry walls also act as a durable support for barrier and cladding, elements and maybe useful to provide the cladding as well. Reinforced concrete is one of the most widely used materials for wall construction in modern buildings. It is made from artificial stone obtained by mixing of cement, sand and aggregates with water. Fresh concrete can be compressed into almost any shape, leaving an inherent advantage over other materials. However, its restricted tension resistance is initially prevented its widely use in building construction. To solve the problem of poor tensile strength, steel bars are lodged solidly in concrete to form a composite material called reinforced concrete (RC). Except for the combination of cement and steel, the production of concrete does not needed expensive manufacturing mills. Basically, reinforced concrete walls are used for enhancing strength purposes. Some walls may be in place or pre-cast, such as bearing or curtain walls. Some pre-cast concrete walls are constructed are commonly used for floor or rood deck construction. They can be located vertically, side by side, and caulked at adjacent edges. Stud and sheathing walls are a light type of wall construction which is normally used in residential houses or other light constructions where they are usually act as light bearing walls. It is usually consists of wood and sheathing nailed to wood or steel studs. This is always sheetrock which is a sandwich of gypsum between cardboard facings. Sheetrock, so called a wallboard or gypsum board is a panel of gypsum covered on both side with papers and used as the primary wall materials in building construction. Wall sheathing is often using plywood or other laminate and always applied to the framing prior to erection, relieve the positioning of studs and raise the speed and cutting workforce needs and expenses. Some type of exterior sheathing is such as asphalt-impregnated fibreboard, plywood, oriented strand board and wafer board, which will provide required to resist lateral loads and make sure the wall square, where rigid glass-fibre, asphalt-coated fibreboard, polystyrene or polyure thane will not do so. In case, the wall should be reinforced with a diagonal wood or meal bracing infix into the studs. Composite walls are a more vital substantial type of stud walls, they are constructed of cementations materials such as pre-cast concrete and weatherproof sheetrock as an external sheathing, and sheetrock as an internal finishes. With subject to strong wind storms local codes or state law will finally require both the wind braces and the stiff exterior sheathing regardless to the type and the kind of outer weather resistant coverings. Prefabricated wall is also a type of commonly used for curtain wall construction; its frequently known as prefab wall. Prefab wall usually made of corrugated steel or aluminium sheets, although they sometimes are constructed of fibber- reinforced plastic sheets, attached to light horizontal bearing a known grits, spaced several feet apart. These type of wall are usually made of sandwich construction which the outside part can be corru gated sheet, an inside part may be liner or flat or corrugated sheet, and an enclosed insulation are attached together by screws and to form a thin, effective sandwich wall. These walls often have tongue-and-groove vertical edges to allow sealed joints when the united are built at the building sites by being attached to framing grits. Glass-coated, metal-coated or ceramic-coated metal panel wall often used in high-rise construction are now commonly used in curtain walls. These walls are typically gathered as a sandwich by using glass , formed metal , or ceramic-coated metal sheets on external side , and some form of liner , including possible masonry ; on the inner side , insulation on enclosed. Tilt-up walls are usually non-load bearing wall, which is constructed as in thinner versions of some of standard wall types, and they are often constructed for some resistance to fire and sound. These walls are sometimes used for construction efficiency. It is a wall that constructed in a ho rizontal position at ground level, and it is then tilted up and connects at its adages to adjacent tilt-up wall sections. The internal partition is a lighter form of wall used for making separations of the interior areas in the buildings. There are many types of materials can be used for wall construction, for example stone, rock, wood, clay, cement, brick, thatch and glass. The stone can be used as the wall material because it is attractive, durable, low maintenance, strong, and high thermal mass. The stone can divided into many types and can be divide into two categories which is hard stone and soft stone. The example of the hard stone is granite stone and the examples for the soft stone are limestone and sandstone. The stone wall are very strong and can last for over hundreds years and still maintain in a very good condition but it depend on the types of the stone used in the wall construction. Since the stone is available in every part of the earth therefore its cost is much more cheaper than other wall construction materials. Besides that, the stone wall have a high thermal mass which can slowed down the heat transfer from the outdoor get into inside the houses and also can prevent the heat loss from the indoor to the outdoor. In the other words, the stone wall can regulated the inside the room temperature. Not only this, the stone wall also very ea sy to maintain. What we need to do is just to check the mortar in between the stone wall is in good condition, if crumbling is happen we need to do repair or replace the mortar. Besides that, we need to clear the surface of the stone wall so that can keep it clear but by the way it may reduce the life span of the stone wall. Wood also is commonly been used for wall construction. Wood are been used for construction at many of the countries although the climate and soil condition are difference in all countries. This is because wood are flexible and resistant against climate harshness. Therefore wood was highly recommended use for construction but we must take into account the wood quality and the condition it grown up.Clay is also one of the most common types of the material used to build houses. For example, the houses in country sides mostly are made from clay and mud. The reason is because clay has the ability to keep the house warn during cool weather and can keep the house cool during hot summer, which mean that the clay has high thermal mass.Cement is been used in almost every countries. Cement is used to join brick or stone together. When cement is mixed with water it can be used to sick the brick together and when it is dried, it will become very hard and difficult to remove these brick apart.That ch is not very common been used in Malaysia but it is commonly be used for building material in Africa. This is because the thatch is made from a grass which is easy to hardest and it is a natural insulator.Nowadays, glass also been used in wall construction. In modern structures, the glass is used for outer beauty of the structure.Besides that, using the glass as wall can allowed more visible light to get into the houses and the amount of light entry into the house is depend on the refraction index of the glass. Although the glass can allow the visible light to come into the house but at the same time it also can block or eliminated the heat energy to transfer into the houses. Brick also is one of the most common materials used in wall construction because it was available in everywhere. In different countries will have different type of brick where are different in size, colour and material used. In our case study, the walls are made from brick. Nowadays, brick are made by pressing clay into a block and firing them in kiln. At the past time, the brick are not be fried but the brick are just putted outdoor and dried by the sun. Since the Middle Ages, the brick is been widely used as the building material in many of the countries.A good brick are very durable and can resistant to atmospheric action and high temperature. Therefore brick also can be used for fire wall construction. This is the reason why a lot of the old building or wooden houses are replaced or rebuilt in brick. Brick become even more important during the Industrial Revolution.How the brick was made? The brick is made by clay. After the clay has been dug out for soil, it will mixed with water and make into the wanted shape. After that, these are allowed to dried slowly before there are fired in kiln at temperature of 1000C 1200C. At this temperature, the clay is undergoes the metamorphosed proses. When the wate r is totally driven off, a new anhydrous mineral namely as aluminosilicates are formed with is broken down from the mineral name as Kuolinite. Aluminosilicates is more stable at high temperature. Besides that, minerals like mullite crystals, quartz and supercooledliquied in the brick are making the brick become harder and stronger. Why the brick are red in colour? This is because clay was contains the iron minerals. At the beginning the iron exist as ferrous iron ( iron II) but after undergo firing the iron in clay are oxidised to become iron III which form red-brown iron oxide haematite. We mostly use bricks to construct the wall because I have many advantages and only a few disadvantages to use it to construct the wall. The advantages are attractive, durable, low maintenance and it have high thermal mass. The disadvantage is the time to build or to install is slow as compare to other wall materials. The brick used in wall construction can be divided into two types which are solid brick and veneer brick. The solid brick are more common been used in house wall construction because it have high thermal mass so that it is good in slow down the heat transmission and can regulate the temperature in the houses although it is more expensive as compare to veneer brick. The brick wall not only good in heat insulation but also good in insulate the sound. The brick wall can block most of the unwanted noise from outside such as traffic noise getting into the house. Besides that, the brick also used as fire wall since the brick are not easy burn material. If the fire accident is happen it may take a least 8 hours to let the fire to spread to the other house. Used brick to construct a wall is very attractive also, this is because the brick itself already have it own colour, so that we no need to paint it after we built it. Other than that, the brick is been used because it is easy to maintain and it can stay in a good condition for a very period. The brick wall would not get rot or dent so that we no need paint the wall within a short period. In our group, we are going to discuss the topic entitle WALL. Wall is a basic unit that needed to build up a building or houses. So it is a very important compartment. However, its design factors may affect its function. In the below contents are the different design factors of the wall. First of all, wall construction can be classified into two types that are external wall and interior wall. There are a lot of wall type in the world, while our group only discuss two types of wall that are normal brick wall which can normally be found in our country, Malaysia. Another type of wall that we are going to discuss is the cavity wall which can normally be found in the country that have four seasons such as United Kingdom, United State, Portland and etc. This normal brick wall that found in our country can be divided into two types that are one brick wall and half brick wall which its thickness is 90mm. These walls are made up by the cement, sand, and aggregate in the mixture of the ratio in 1:2:4 which is 1 portion of cement, 2 portions of sand and 4 portions of aggregates. While the cavity walls consist of a half brick or block outer leaf, a brick or 90 mm /100mm lightweight load bearing concrete block or stud framed structure inner leaf, a 50 mm or 75mm cavity or air space in between the outer and inner leaf. The design factors of the normal brick wall and the cavity wall are almost the same. The main design factor of these walls is that they provide sufficient strength and stability to resist the loading imposed on it. The loadings which the wall need to withstand included dead load and live load. The example of dead load is the furniture and etc while the example of live load is rain, snow, occupants and etc. Another design factor of the walls is that it acts as an envelope that differentiates the outdoor and indoor area. It is also a shelter that can resist the unpredictable climate change for example rain, snow to enter the interior area of the houses. Besides, wall also plays an important role to resist the transmission of sound which will eventually causes the pollution. So, the wall acts as a barrier to resist the entering of the unwanted sound to the houses. Nowadays, owing to the fast development of the country, there is a lot of pollution happened in our surrounding especially air pollution. To minimize the contact of the occupants to these pollution, wall plays an important role which act as a barrier to prevent the outside contaminant to enter the houses such as dust, pollen, hazardous particle and etc. These contaminated particles will cause the indoor air quality in a bad condition and thus will influence the indoor environment quality and hence some diseases may occur because of this poor condition for example asthma. So, with the presence of the wall, these problems can be solved and a good quality of the indoor air can be achieved. Besides, wall also acts as a barrier to resist the fire which is call the fire brick wall. In order to slow down the rate of flame spread in case of fire within the building, the architects apply various techniques including the creation of compartments which would contain the fire for some time before spreading to other parts of the building. So, to achieve this, one method to use is to take the block walls between rooms up to the underside of the roof, for instance and depending on the quality of the aggregates used. These brick wall may have a Fire Resistance Rating of up to one and half hours (100mm thick solid brick wall). Walls are probably the most noticeable and important part of the interior wall and also the exterior wall. Another meaning is that it provides an appearance. When entering into the room, people will notices the colour, kind and the surface of the wall and hence, they will determine the psycho physiological atmosphere. So the function of walls is that to create space where a person feels comfortable. Besides, the good appearance of wall is a wall with no crack which the infiltration will not happen. Without infiltration, there will be no extra air to flow into the building, so the extra heat flow will not enter or leave the building, indirectly, the thermal comfort can achieve. The design factors of brick wall and the cavity wall are almost the same. However,